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Raps effect on the youth of America

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Old 05-10-2003 | 05:32 PM
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From: My own level of hell

Originally posted by 18secFerio
bullshit. this country doesn't communicate.

well, they do with cellphones, and the internet, and other shit.

but look at life. Familes don't communicate. Couples don't communicate. You think things have improved in the last 15 years? Technillogiclly, yes. Morally, I beg to differ.
Well I wasn't speaking on a familial level actually but yes you are right family values and comunication are shot out the door in favor for non intrusive relationships such as the internet affords.

Moraly it may not be the same but it still applies either way...any relationship is still a relationship regardless on what level it may be.

I've met 2 people from HAN, one moved back to Houston, the other I don't talk to.

Also, I'm having a firm beleive web meeting could be bad. Maybe people arn't supposed to interact outside of their lives. The patterns that make up a life get thrown around. But thats just an idea. There's good points, but there's an equil amount of negative ones.
Web meetings bad huh? well I know I have met a good number of people on this board as well as many other boards I frequent. I have made some very good friends this way.....its the progression of a society.

We meet through common interest and sharing ideas back and forth...from these ideas we form judgements about the other person and eventually it develops into matter how much you want to deny it, it happens to all of us.
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Old 05-10-2003 | 05:45 PM
str8edgexx's Avatar
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What I don't understand is why it is perfectly accepted when commercialized mainstream rap music has songs that blatently preach hate.....hate against other ethnic groups, hate against each other, hate against police, etc. If Blink 182 or N'Sync wrote a song talking about how much they hate some group, there would be such a huge uproar, and you would never hear of them again.
Old 05-10-2003 | 06:42 PM
FourthGenHatch's Avatar
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White people that think they are black piss me off to no end. I was at 6 Flags last weekend with my girlfriend and her friend and I was like "Goddam there is a lot of white trash here, they all act like they are black" and then her black friend (who is like a young Bernie Mack(sp?) was like "Goddam, yo, I ****ing hate dat shit!!" So apparently black people get pissed when white people act like that.
Old 05-10-2003 | 06:44 PM
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From: Mexico, by Jaymar

Old 05-10-2003 | 06:57 PM
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From: eL Lay, SoCal

Originally posted by dubster99
I think people need to stop overanalyzing what music others listen to. You don't like the music he listens to, he probably doesn't like the music you listen to. It's a free country, we are allowed to have opinions. Now I listen to Rap, Hip hop, and lots of underground rap and hip hop...but I also listen to all kinds of other music...minus country. I also don't speak like a complete tool.

Originally posted by dubster99
The problem here isn't hip hop or rap music, it's mainstream music that the critics and the masses listen to that gives the bad name. 99% of hip hop is underground, and most people don't realize that. That being said, I personally don't see anything wrong with a person expressing themselves, their lives, and their feelings through their music. Sometimes this may involve talking about things that certain people don't like. But, that is what's so great about this country, we have the freedom of speech. Generally speaking the people who object to this music are those that don't know what that lifestyle is like. Parents, activists, and politicians from middle-upper white class suburbia voicing their opinions, and those are the protests that we see. I say if you don't like it, deal with it or don't listen to the music...period.

Originally posted by dubster99

That was one of the most ignorant things I have ever read.

Originally posted by dubster99

I think you mean conclusion.

That message may be bullshit to you, but that's their life. Some music doesn't even have a message.

Lots of people pride things that are detrimental, this is way down low on that list.

I don't think I did. I could have sworn you were calling it cRap music. All those people that say rap music is detrimental to our youth, yadda yadda yadda, they don't like rap music...period.

And you mean to tell me that no white people in texas live in the ghetto?
Originally posted by Derek
Old 05-10-2003 | 07:02 PM
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The thing that pisses me off about these rap liking "Thugs" is they constantly try and be hard asses all the time. Acting like assholes and trying to start fights with people and shit all the time. Give it up, your just a pussy ass who thinks they are ghetto because the music tells you about it.
Old 05-10-2003 | 09:19 PM
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you can also turn this into "cars effect on the youth of America"...lookie say rap turns people into ebonic talking, crip walking, and ghetto people right? look at it in a car claim you therefore why you fixing up honda's and acuras??? why don't you go back to fixing up your Big AMERICAN Trucks with the big fog lights on top of the roof of your car...same thing...different people have different taste in things...let them do what they feel like doing...
Old 05-10-2003 | 09:45 PM
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Originally posted by 7thgenvic
you can also turn this into "cars effect on the youth of America"...lookie say rap turns people into ebonic talking, crip walking, and ghetto people right? look at it in a car claim you therefore why you fixing up honda's and acuras??? why don't you go back to fixing up your Big AMERICAN Trucks with the big fog lights on top of the roof of your car...same thing...different people have different taste in things...let them do what they feel like doing...

Old 05-10-2003 | 09:48 PM
FourthGenHatch's Avatar
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From: Baltimore, Md

Originally posted by 7thgenvic
you can also turn this into "cars effect on the youth of America"...lookie say rap turns people into ebonic talking, crip walking, and ghetto people right? look at it in a car claim you therefore why you fixing up honda's and acuras??? why don't you go back to fixing up your Big AMERICAN Trucks with the big fog lights on top of the roof of your car...same thing...different people have different taste in things...let them do what they feel like doing...
America has citizens of all races, not just white people.
Old 05-10-2003 | 10:01 PM
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^^^exactly...thats why you can't classify people into groups...saying blacks listen to rap, and white listen to pop, and asians listen to chinese just can't do that...and the way they act is influence by music but why classify?? cuz you can't...theres just too many different diversity of people...

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