Xbox One Crew w. big enises ... Halo MCC HYPE THREAD! (est. 2007)
so you guys, get new accounts every what 2-3 days? so you bash on noobs pretty much all the time and flaunt about it? i dunno maybe im missing something but that really doesn't seem like something i would want to flaunt, now if you guys were owning 45's and up all day long. i can see how flaunting this would be awesome
The ranking system doesn't quite work that way, though. We run in to a bit of garbage/new accounts, but we also play against some real beasts. We're not the only ones that create new accounts.
I'd say for every 3 garbage people games, we get matched with some real assholes. Usually 40's or higher, just low team slayer or snipers rank. Actually, just about every game of snipers has 2 or 3 people above rank 35. Other times we will match against people who are doing the same thing as us, who will have probably 50-100 games, and either have more EXP than games played, or have slightly less.
So yes, we are not playing the top people every time, because that simply got boring. It's fun to just mop people up some times. But I think we step up to the challenges that we get 100 times better than we used to. We are definitely playing better than we ever have.
lol, no...we keep our accounts for atleast a week or two.
The ranking system doesn't quite work that way, though. We run in to a bit of garbage/new accounts, but we also play against some real beasts. We're not the only ones that create new accounts.
I'd say for every 3 garbage people games, we get matched with some real assholes. Usually 40's or higher, just low team slayer or snipers rank. Actually, just about every game of snipers has 2 or 3 people above rank 35. Other times we will match against people who are doing the same thing as us, who will have probably 50-100 games, and either have more EXP than games played, or have slightly less.
So yes, we are not playing the top people every time, because that simply got boring. It's fun to just mop people up some times. But I think we step up to the challenges that we get 100 times better than we used to. We are definitely playing better than we ever have.
The ranking system doesn't quite work that way, though. We run in to a bit of garbage/new accounts, but we also play against some real beasts. We're not the only ones that create new accounts.
I'd say for every 3 garbage people games, we get matched with some real assholes. Usually 40's or higher, just low team slayer or snipers rank. Actually, just about every game of snipers has 2 or 3 people above rank 35. Other times we will match against people who are doing the same thing as us, who will have probably 50-100 games, and either have more EXP than games played, or have slightly less.
So yes, we are not playing the top people every time, because that simply got boring. It's fun to just mop people up some times. But I think we step up to the challenges that we get 100 times better than we used to. We are definitely playing better than we ever have.
maybe ill get a new temp acc to play with you guys, just not really all about doing it every week or 2 weeks.
werd, i knew other high ranked people do it as well. just seemed silly to me cuz your pretty much playing the same high ranked peeps, with a couple noobs here and there lol.
maybe ill get a new temp acc to play with you guys, just not really all about doing it every week or 2 weeks.
maybe ill get a new temp acc to play with you guys, just not really all about doing it every week or 2 weeks.
Seriously, create a 1 month account and play for a bit. It makes the game so much more fun when you are not playing beasts almost every game.
and playing for 2-3 years straight doesn't hurt. h:
Yep. Same effect to Josh on what happened to Jamie and myself. Get that quick response monitor and your kill count stabilizes. The frequency of "bad" games goes waaaaaaay down.
Josh's sniper kills are really starting to go up too.
Josh's sniper kills are really starting to go up too.
I don't know how to explain the difference the monitor makes, it just feels more accurate. Before I just flat out couldn't hit people, garbage or not.
the entire fact you've gone from a 73" to a 23" is huge also. Response time aside, your head doesn't have to turn to look at something at the edge of the screen. Your eyes pick it up and you react. You can see everything all at once.
For other games like Final Fantasy, Madden, even H3 campaign ... bigger = more fun / better.
For other games like Final Fantasy, Madden, even H3 campaign ... bigger = more fun / better.
the entire fact you've gone from a 73" to a 23" is huge also. Response time aside, your head doesn't have to turn to look at something at the edge of the screen. Your eyes pick it up and you react. You can see everything all at once.
For other games like Final Fantasy, Madden, even H3 campaign ... bigger = more fun / better.
For other games like Final Fantasy, Madden, even H3 campaign ... bigger = more fun / better.
:rofl: :rofl:
you're the best, arrrrrrouuuuunnd...
how did you put that exterm pic on the end?