My late ChRistmas pResent...not much but...
Originally Posted by MilanoMan
Slow down there buddy...the teg was not 22k...
that's the whole deal...the owner, who was my brother A****s friend left the country...he had put up the car for sale in a local weekly trading post, and it had not a last ditch effort i was joking around about buying it when he told me he only wanted, with the money I had left from my eye injury (I got the money at two different times because of a court order to the conservator) and I had about a grand left after buying the EK...then i took out the rest of the money and bought the ITR because it was so cheap...I'm probably going to sell it for a profit, this is worth a lot of money...the only reason it was that good a deal is he was leaving the country in 2 days and HAD to sell it...
At this point, I obviously don't care if you don't believe me. What does it do to me? The car is mine either way, and if some people behind a computer don't think I have it, it effects me in no way at all.
Originally Posted by strychnine
so if you had 12 gs in the bank why were you worried about being homeless?
Originally Posted by 18secFerio
well, thats what they go for here with reasonable mileage
nice story still trying to save face, huh?
:goodjob: SHO is that way --------------------------------------->
nice story still trying to save face, huh?
:goodjob: SHO is that way --------------------------------------->
Originally Posted by redgoober4life
18secferio stop being a turd