[WTB] integra 2000 bumper and motor mounts..
[WTB] integra 2000 bumper and motor mounts..
I recently crashed and would like a replacement of an integra 2000 bumper and the motor mounts... if someone knows of somebody that is selling them please let me know... I live in calexico, ca....
Anyway, your local scrap yard, Acura dealer, or http://www.acuraoemparts.com/delray/jsp/home.jsp are your best options for OEM parts.
Moved to Parts Classifieds..
If anyone is parting out a late-model Integra, they'll see this thread.
If anyone is parting out a late-model Integra, they'll see this thread.
:: :ToDspin: - supermod - but who gives a shit?
:: HAN Integra FAQ: If, by some miracle, yours hasn't been stolen... check it out!
:: HAN Integra FAQ: If, by some miracle, yours hasn't been stolen... check it out!