leaking water
leaking water
What's up to everyone? I have been reading this forum off and on for a while. I just wanted to let everyone know what I did to find my leaks on my 94 four door GSR. I taped a garden hose in various positions on the back windshield and ran the water at full flow. I then let the back seat down and climbed into the trunk with a flashlight to find my leaks. Both taillight gaskets were leaking, the left side rear bumper clip was leaking, and the trunk seal was leaking at the right forward corner because of a defect where the metal lip is uneven. (the metal lip that the seal slides over) The water was creeping up under the trunk seal. I haven't tried it yet, but I am going to grind the lip even and hopefully it will work. Luckily, I work on aircraft so I can easily find a better grade gasket material to trace out for the taillight gaskets. Just another idea that I hope helps. Hopefully this post will help some folks that seem to get frustrated with water leaks.