how do i get a CARB sticker??
how do i get a CARB sticker??
what's the process of getting one and how difficult is it? i have a B18C in an EK. the last thing i need is a cop busting my balls. thanks!!!:thumbup:
Me thinks you need a BAR sticker not CARB. CARB/E.O. = aftermarket parts and BAR = OEM engine swap. I dont know everything you need but I know you'll need all sensors, plugs, wires, cat, and as much OEM parts as you can get. Refs here are real anal about aftermarket. Ive seen a few JDM motors out here with the BAR sticker so its possible. When I spoke to them they said its not as bad as people put it to be. Pretty much have the motor close to stock specs as you possibly can. Clean with sea foam at least a day or two before the test. Run it hard before you see the Ref. Good luck. :thumbup: