Code 67! Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold.
Code 67! Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold.
I'm hoping some of you advanced members can help me on this. My stock converter gave out and I've been through aftermarket converters that spit out this code 67. I guess I'm to cheap to buy a brand new stock converter . Well I'm not for certain that the converter is the issue here, it could be something else. Bare with me cause I'm hardly a mechanic here, all I know is that my car has issues. I'm tired of this Bright Orange CEL at night. Oh yeah I used a paper clip and read the blinking CEL. I'm learning things on this website and that's a first.
Anyways I need to figure this out cause I'm burning a full tank of gas in less than 270 miles.
Anyways I need to figure this out cause I'm burning a full tank of gas in less than 270 miles.
There are procedures to confirm a catalytic efficiency failure by using a gas analyzer. You can try that.
The only sensor that reports to your computer of code 67 is the secondary(in the Cat) o2 sensor. You may need a new sensor.
The only sensor that reports to your computer of code 67 is the secondary(in the Cat) o2 sensor. You may need a new sensor.
Originally posted by lowelcam96
There are procedures to confirm a catalytic efficiency failure by using a gas analyzer. You can try that.
The only sensor that reports to your computer of code 67 is the secondary(in the Cat) o2 sensor. You may need a new sensor.
There are procedures to confirm a catalytic efficiency failure by using a gas analyzer. You can try that.
The only sensor that reports to your computer of code 67 is the secondary(in the Cat) o2 sensor. You may need a new sensor.
Thank you for your reply .
Any insight on O2 sensors! I know Bosch makes them but I hear they are pretty expensive! I should replace the sensors anyways; should help me get back some mpg.
Check or someplace like that for a sensor. Maybe even AutoZone? I always got Bosch sensors for my VWs & Saabs, so I got one for my Integra, opened the box, & it was ND anyway. It was pricey, so it's worth a couple phone calls to ask prices.
Originally posted by JimBlake
Check or someplace like that for a sensor. Maybe even AutoZone? I always got Bosch sensors for my VWs & Saabs, so I got one for my Integra, opened the box, & it was ND anyway. It was pricey, so it's worth a couple phone calls to ask prices.
Check or someplace like that for a sensor. Maybe even AutoZone? I always got Bosch sensors for my VWs & Saabs, so I got one for my Integra, opened the box, & it was ND anyway. It was pricey, so it's worth a couple phone calls to ask prices.
Didn't find any sensors on, going to check with Autozone for prices, :dunno: what brand to go with.
I just blew a code 67 the other day. I pulled fuse #13 on the passanger side and it hasn't come back on again. It happend to me right after I filled up with a full tank of gas. I have a high flow cat, and it was just replaced this past spring, so it can't be the cat.
Originally posted by skabone69
I just blew a code 67 the other day. I pulled fuse #13 on the passanger side and it hasn't come back on again. It happend to me right after I filled up with a full tank of gas. I have a high flow cat, and it was just replaced this past spring, so it can't be the cat.
I just blew a code 67 the other day. I pulled fuse #13 on the passanger side and it hasn't come back on again. It happend to me right after I filled up with a full tank of gas. I have a high flow cat, and it was just replaced this past spring, so it can't be the cat.