power antenna
power antenna
Since the winter the gears on my power antenna have been stripped out. I have just now decided to replace it, procrastination I guess. I was wondering first how hard is it to install yourself, and also I plan first to go to the junk yard to try to find a working assembly, if I cannot find another 95 accord, are there any other year honda/acura that will have the same antenna as mine.
You are more than welcome to have mine. I just shaved my antenna and I won't be needing it. There is a few things wrong with it though. The antenna got bent and wouldn't go up and down so I just disconnected power to the motor so it was left up. As far as I know the motor seems OK but the antenna got ripped off when my friends found out I was going to shave it. If you pay the shipping I'll send ya what I have. Maybe you could take all working parts between your antenna and mine and put together something that works good.
It's not hard to get to the antenna. Just pull out the lining of the trunk on that side and it's all right there.
Now I have a slim window mount antenna from autotoys.com. It's powered so I used the power wires from the factory antenna. Reception is comparable to the stock antenna and the best part is that was only $20!
It's not hard to get to the antenna. Just pull out the lining of the trunk on that side and it's all right there.
Now I have a slim window mount antenna from autotoys.com. It's powered so I used the power wires from the factory antenna. Reception is comparable to the stock antenna and the best part is that was only $20!