Just installed AIM CAI!
Just installed AIM CAI!
After 2 hours I finally got the thing in no thanks to to the AEM instructions! Man those instructions sucked. But anyways, I love the way it sounds. I like how it sounds normal when I'm just cruisin but kicks in when I hit it. It gets hella loud. Just thought I'd share.
His car actually hit my rim, then as I was still moving along his bumper all of that behind damage happened... I wonder how bad it would have screwed up my door if he had hit me there... he was going at least 25 in a parking lot... where it happened.
Originally posted by AadosX
Sweet, mine came in the mail today! I will install it when I get my car back from the shops.. Yeh that's right... I got hit today. Here's a pic.
Sweet, mine came in the mail today! I will install it when I get my car back from the shops.. Yeh that's right... I got hit today. Here's a pic.
Originally posted by AadosX
Sweet, mine came in the mail today! I will install it when I get my car back from the shops.. Yeh that's right... I got hit today. Here's a pic.
Sweet, mine came in the mail today! I will install it when I get my car back from the shops.. Yeh that's right... I got hit today. Here's a pic.