Value of car?
Value of car?
I am looking to buy the car that i am currently driving from my parents because i want to lower it and buy rims and all that stuff. So what would be a good price for me to offer them? Its a 1996 Honda Accord EX With about 82,000 miles on it, cloth interior, and 2 pretty good sized door dings. KBB value is about 7,000 bucks but i don't think that is too acurate. Any help is very much appreciated... thanks
It is most likely paid for, so anything should please them. Just extra cash they wouldn't have if they just gave it to you or continued to let you drive it until it is dead. My mom is selling me her 98 Outback for $2k just so she has some more cash for a down payment, she'd rather me have it than some stranger or get lowballed by a dealership.